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Beautiful figure, cool dance moves,silkroad gold cute action ... ... Lots of beautiful bits in the GTsilkroad2 arena show! Graceful dance of course not only jumping for a person to see, is for friends to enjoy. In the GTsilkroad, how do we let friends to enjoy the dances themselves? Then I'll try the GTsilkroad2 free pattern! Free mode for fun and stimulation of the GTsilkroad2, you can select the 8K, or 4 k, are you familiar with the steps sro goldout in front of friends, out in the GTsilkroad2 the big stage! LV6, p, the more, the more quickly into the next LV. Friends showing off your unique dance moves not only doors, can you appreciate friends dance! Arguably "perform luanwu!" As a group dance of the GTsilkroad 2 by magic elves, to develop intelligent dance on the stage!
The GTsilkroad2 free pattern stimulus not only for fun, there are crazy 3D mode, close fighting Mars model of novelty silkroad online goldsth Really so far, untold to say then quickly to the GTsilkroad2 experience!
Most romantic in August, do you have a deep love of the TA, about partying with TA, bring your friends, on this special occasion, the lovers will love the SilkRoad also has a different surprise gift.
Into the SilkRoad Hall, you will find the joy of the players is everywhere, variety named homeowner on a romantic August voice talk, let you select clothes more embodies the dazzling charm in Advices for silkroad monstersAugust as a result of sweet love.
Has been missed, strong, and tonight, our love of stranded, by time, location. Miles away, but love your heart has never changed, something gentle promise, in our hearts will never be forgotten, brave TA said, "would you marry me? "Was love!
Treated like boys or girls, you Silkroad Informationcan press F1 to represent love, press F2, and hate, then press F3. If you wants TA heart which beat Italy you, and you can be slightly sweet dance together. Access to the best performing very call and additional partner incentive Oh!
Hurried to bring your sweet hearts he or you partner to prove you whether secret understanding one another?Silkroad Guide Gorgeous scenes and romantic songs, make you feel happier in Club Dance models sweet atmosphere!
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